Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A rush

The deck completely hit me in the face today. I guess, some days are like that. I'm up 4 buyins in 90 mins today before i quit. I'm contemplating some sort of trailing stop when i start winning so that i dont lose back my winnings as it's been happening a lot lately. Anyway, here are some hands from today.

No reads whatsoever on this guy, so the minute he reraised my c-bet, i realized i was behind. I put him on a set, straight, or a flush or even a 2 pair. I couldnt move in on this guy, so i just called with my K high flush draw to see if i could suck out on him. He could have shut me out on the turn as it turns out I sucked out on him on the river making a set.

I raised min by an accident in this hand ( i so hate pot limit games, you cant raise what u want in this game). So when he reraised me 2nd time, i knew i was up against aces but i still couldnt lay my kings down. I dont know, it was just a weird feeling as it turned out i flopped a set and sucked out on this guy with my 2 outer.

Like i said the deck hit me in the face today.

I sort of trapped this guy a little only he turned a set and couldnt get away from his hand. When he reraised me on the flop, i put him on 1010, QQ, KK or even AA (although he probably would of reraised pre with those bigger hands)

I didnt know where i stood after flop after i cbet and got called so i just decided to checkcall the rest but he made such an obvious bluff on the river that i called it fairly quickly.

Honestly, i think i made a pretty good laydown here, only that donkey with the big stack had not much but kept calling huge bets like that. I had a fairly tight image and i made a potsized bet but still got called by 2 people so i thought i was facing at least 2 pair or a set. I could have won a sizable side pot from this guy.

This was another tought situation to be in for me today. With so much action in front, my AKs no longer seemed a good hand anymore so i just called to see what the flop to bring. Well, flopped top pair and top kicker but still didnt convince me I have the best hand so i just checked to see what the others do. Haysam here has at least AK if not AA judging by his actions, so i decided to let it go and that was a very good decision as it turns out some1 flopped a set of queens as well. The same donk from the previous hand went broke this time.

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