Friday, August 04, 2006

Pretty good day

Ran pretty good today although it's only like a couple of hours making over 2 buyins. I found out taking a break every 2 hours is a good idea to keep my mind from drifting. It's hard to play well for hours straight anyway. Not many bad beats today lucky for me although i did play extra careful coz i had a bad day following the huge day i had earlier. Anyway, here are some notable hands:
This guy was quite active playing a lot of pots and being very aggressive as he had a big stack as well. I checkraised him on the flop and pretty much committed myself on the turn thinking i'm probably ahead with my top 2 pair. If he had random 8 for trips, well, i was ready to go broke. I made my decision on the turn in case he had some kind of flush draw as well. On the turn when he reraised me i was committed anyway so called it pretty quick.
Some random donk who reraises with JJ preflop. Only I had overpair QQ and we both flopped a set and he got stacked.
Another guy who pushed AKo preflop into my AA.
Nothing special.
I think i played this hand well. He was pretty close to call my push on the river just didnt happen. Oh well, in the hindsight, i guess i should have bet maybe just half his stack or something. Pretty sure he had some kind of overpair.

Here are losing hands:
I've seen people making a similar push like this so i decided to give it a try. I couldnt get there but against people who had a deep stack i might be able to take it down on the flop if not i have a lot of outs.
This guy just couldnt fold any hand, could he? :-(
Another combo draw but this guy moved in first on the turn. Guess, i could have made it potsized on the flop.

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